Know Your Choices and Consequences Before Pleading Guilty
Traffic Crimes vs. Traffic Infractions
Indiana traffic offenses may be issued as infractions (tickets) or traffic crimes depending on the offense and your traffic record. Unlike most infractions, traffic crimes can be punishable by jail, prison, and a license suspension. If your case number does not include the letters “IF,” you are probably being charged with a crime.
The most common Indiana traffic crimes are Operating While Suspended, Operating While Intoxicated, and Reckless Driving. Other traffic offenses include, but are not limited to, Aggressive Driving, Leaving the Scene of an Accident, and Operating a Vehicle as a Habitual Traffic Offender.
Driving While Suspended
Repeat Driving While Suspended offenses can be charged as misdemeanors. If you are convicted of a repeat Driving While Suspended offense, you could be sentenced to up to a year in jail, receive a substantial fine, and have your driver’s license suspended. However, a Driving While Suspended lawyer may be able to work with you and the state in order to reduce your penalty or even obtain a dismissal if you obtain a valid license.
Habitual Traffic Offender Status
Certain traffic crimes convictions may cause you to be found as a Habitual Traffic Offender. Habitual Traffic Offenders may have their license suspended for five years, ten years, of their entire lifetimes. In some instances, you may be considered as a Habitual Traffic Offender with only one traffic crime and several traffic infractions. Even if you believe a traffic offense seems minor, it is wise to consult with a Putnam County traffic attorney before pleading guilty to any traffic offense. In some instances, an otherwise minor offense could be the final strike necessary to qualify as a habitual offender.
How an Attorney CAN Help
The right attorney will assess the evidence and fight your traffic charges if it is in your best interests to do so. However, if admitting the offense is in your best option, Waite Law Office may still be able to help. A skilled attorney may be able to negotiate a plea to a reduced offense, a reduced fine, or a reduced license suspension. In other instances, it may be possible to obtain a dismissal if you fix your underlying issue (such as getting a valid license) or complete a program such as pre-trial diversion. Results will vary based upon factors such as the severity of the offense and your traffic record.
Hire a Traffic Crimes Attorney Today
Contact Waite Law Office LLC at (765) 252-4600 for a free meeting to discuss your Driving While Suspended case or other traffic crime today. Even a “minor” offense can complicate your life and increase your insurance premiums. Make sure you know the consequences and how Attorney Waite may be able to help.